Without one or the other, the sandwich is just “eh”. He completes me in ways I can’t. He’s patient, calm, and steady.
He goes with the flow, while I hate surprises, always rushing- but somehow I’m always late everywhere I go, and always all over the place.
We’ve been through some hard seasons together, which have brought us close, taught us many lessons, and grew us in different ways. I can’t imagine life without him, and I am so excited for our forever, together.
The first time I realized I was going to marry Tristin-Grace was at a Bethel concert. I looked over during the middle of one of the songs and saw Tristin singing and worshiping with all of her heart.
I just knew that's who God made for me.
She's been with me through it all, Tristin-Grace has loved me, forgiven me, helped me more than i ever could have asked for.
I can't wait to love her for the rest of my life.